The third and default option is a regular round earbud cover that does require an ear hook for headset stability. Two have small loops attached so the headset can be worn without the optional ear hook. The HM3700 comes with three different earbud covers. Turn the headset over and you'll find a simple small earbud that fits easily in the ear. On the top is the Micro-USB port, protected by a removable cover. The volume rocker is on the left, while the primary microphone is on the bottom. We like having a dedicated power switch as it's much easier to turn the headset on and off this way. On the right spine are the power slider switch, the talk button, and a tiny LED indicator. On the front is a noise-cancelling microphone. It's rectangular with curved corners and tapered sides, measuring around 1.9 inches long by 0.7 inch wide by 0.4 inch thick. The HM3700 is shaped like a regular Bluetooth headset.
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What sets the HM3700 apart from the other headsets is that it offers voice controls and it's compatible with FreeSync, an Android application that adds additional features like text-to-speech, caller ID, and alarms. You can then wear the HM3700 like a pendant, or attach the optional clip so you can clip it to your shirt. The HM3700 looks like an ordinary Bluetooth headset at first glance, but it comes with a pair of stereo earbuds that connects via the Micro-USB port on the top. Enter the mono-to-stereo convertible headset, such as the Plantronics Voyager 855, the Samsung WEP870, and the latest one from Samsung, the HM3700.